Karosta - Liepaja, Latvia 2004
In the portraits of Karosta, Latvia I show children and teenagers, who grow up in a
former Russian area. Karosta is a neighbourhood of Liepaja, third big city of Latvia,
constructed 1890 as a naval base. This neighbourhood has been inhabited by
Russian militaries of the Soviet armies for this long time and "Kara Osta" latv. "War
Port" served as the base for the Soviet Baltic Navy. Since the Russian army left more
than ten years ago, after Latvias independence (1994), the neighbourhood is derelict
and desolate. Latvian families still live in this abandoned area, in housing projects
largely vacant, enbedded in a beautiful nature environment.
Now, in the wake of its history Karosta is affected by unemployment, crime and
drugproblems. |